Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Love or Hate....or BOTH

She hated herself, but she loved herself.
She saw all of of her flaws each time she looked in the mirror.
But she also saw glimpses of how incredibly brave and fearless she was.
Sometimes she wanted to run away from all that life has thrown her her way.
But sometimes she realizes the strength and determination she has mastered, because of 
all of life's lessons.
She feels weak at times, but is always able to claw her way out of the darkness
enough to see a glimmer of hope. She is resilient despite her wanting to quit so many times in her life.  She has the tenacity it takes to get through the life she has lived thus far.
She has learned compassion in ways she could not have, unless she had gone all that she had gone through. Because of her hurt she helps. Because of her darkness she helps others into the light. Because of her scars, she helps others see their own beauty. She is not the funniest or happiest girl. She has her own insecurities and too many faults that she feels she has failed in life. But somewhere deep down, deep beneath the earth swallowing her whole, she is reminded that she does have something worth offering the world. She forgets who she is everyday. But some days she sees herself as others do. And on those days she thanks the universe for giving her those glimmers of hope, that she is a part of something bigger than she realizes. She is that smile that someone desperately needed that day. She is that compliment that can turn a persons day around. She is the compassionate, nurturing woman and girl she has always been. She still spends much of her time in her own darkness because that i where she feels the safest. Yet, there is something growing inside her that allows her to dream and wonder about what her future holds. For the first time in her she asks herself "what do you want to do with the rest of your life". You don't need to be afraid of the light anymore. You can go and be anything you want. You have always had this wonderment and passion inside. Tut that are those that try to blow our the flames we all have inside us and keep us in the darkness so they can feel better about themselves. She doesn't want to be that person anymore.She wants everyone to see their light. To see the passion they have inside themselves. She knows she is meant to make this world a better place then when she found it. She is terrified of the unknown journey she is about to take, yet at the same time it creates the energy inside of her that allows her to take the first step. The step that allows her. That first step of the rest of her life.

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